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Using Neuroscience and AI for Improved Sports Marketing

May 23, 2024 | Sports


The design phase for any marketing team can be a tedious process. There is no real way to measure which design elements will have the most significant impact and which won’t. The Predict tool can serve as a valuable resource, allowing users to look at things through an objective lens. From a fan perspective, more effective marketing means fans may not even realize they’re being marketed to—they’ll just be more engaged. Seems like a win-win in our book.

Source Summary

The Detroit Pistons have adopted a new AI tool from Neurons called Predict, which assesses the success of marketing assets by pulling from a database of over 100 billion eye-tracking data points. Once created, an asset is uploaded to the Predict platform where it is assessed on a handful of metrics like focus, cognitive demand, clarity, and engagement. This information is formed into a report and used as a guide for designers as they make any final adjustments to an asset. Since its implementation, the Pistons have seen an 18% increase in total engagement on X and Meta, which the VP of Marketing Operation Mike Donnay says is “just scratching the surface”.